
Lite Flights

The search engine for finding flights that have a lower impact on the planet

Lite Flights

  • TypeSearch Engine

  • SizeLarge

  • AreaAviation

Aviation contributes between 3%-5% of global carbon emissions. To combat this, Lite.Flights was created to help reduce the climate impact of your next flight. Not all airline journeys are created equal. By selecting a flight operated by a modern aircraft type you can save up to 50% in CO₂ emissions. Lite.Flights is a search platform that helps passengers find the least polluting flight option.

We rank results based on their carbon emissions. With the site in your pocket you can directly lessen your impact on the planet the next time you fly.

What we did

  1. Concept

  2. Research

  3. Design

  4. Development

  5. Content strategy

  6. Editorial development

Routes map

We mapped all the routes operated by the least poluting aircraft, across all continents. The map covers approximately 95% of all known airline routes. You can explore these by aircraft type, country, city, airport and airline.

Editorial platform

Lite.Flights also has a dedicated editorial section, devoted to following developments in sustainable aviation and sharing them with our readers. All articles are written by the team at Lite.Flights. The platform has been designed and developed in-house, using Sanity as the content management platform and framework, a headless solution.